Where Wellness Works for Employers and Employees
Omniscient Wellness Centre integrates wealth and wellbeing into your organization and into the lives of your employees and customers to enable all stakeholders to thrive in a new post-pandemic environment.
Our approach differs from others as our program aims to inspire your whole organization though a workplace wellness at a HUMAN level, not just a WORKPLACE level. We work with you to ensure your team succeeds not just at work but in life.
We provide flexible solutions tailored to your organization, making it easy for businesses of all sizes and industries to truly care for their employee well-being. Our offering includes tools and strategies through a digital platform or in person at one of our locations. Our programs vary from live, in-person to on-line and self-paced. We can also round out your wellness event with catering through our affiliate, Spa Cafe.
Approaching employee human resource management through HEALTH & WELLNESS will empower your business. Regardless of what life-stage your employees are at, we offer a solution for all, providing all-inclusive and very inspiring solutions.
Empower Your Business With
Health & Wellness
- Strengthen employee relationships
- Expand offerings and company benefits
- Differentiate your organization from competitors
- Engage and value employees by training & up-skilling = increased bottom line
The Benefits Of Corporate Wellness

Take care of your most valuable asset

Engage your
whole team

Support employees to thrive at work and in life

Be a leader in your industry & attract new employees

Knowledge is Power – our program is education rooted

Team feels
they are valued

Attract and retain employees in a WFH and Work From Anywhere reality. Geographic barriers no longer exist –so attract the best from anywhere.

Educate for growth on a Professional level:
Through our soft skills and
professional development course

Educate for growth on Personal level :
Through our nutrition and wellness webinars and
What Omniscient Wellness
Offers Your Business
- Omniscient offers customizable packages to fit an organization needs. Packages include:
- Access to online learning portal (selection of soft-skill and PD curriculum in our course catalogue)
- In-house (seminars, education events) held at place of business or in our corporate education meeting space
- Team building spa days (coming Summer 2023) at our new wellness centre in Ottawa
- Use of our Spa-ffice facility
- Tools and strategies for education and engagement
- Wellness training by our industry experts
- Our signature offering educates and expands your teams' knowledge and awareness of nutrition and wellbeing through evidence based curriculum
- Personal care through strategies of whole-body care, including nutrition, allows for better performance, increased productivity, better focus of employee, happier employee, awareness they can then share with their family & friends
- Create a HEALTHY workplace - because health is the new wealth
- Take care of your employees as your employees learn how to take care of themselves through self-care, resulting in fewer sick days
book today !
Our Featured Corporate Webinars
Studies show that influenza and other viral and bacterial infections that affect the respiratory tract are more lethal in those whose immune systems are compromised. Conversely, a key factor in preventing viral and other infections from infecting the upper and lower respiratory tract (lungs) and preventing any infection that may occur from becoming more virulent (severe), involves optimal functioning of one’s immune system.
Stress, lack of sleep, over-training and other factors can weaken the immune system and increase our susceptibility to these infections and reduce the ability of our immune system to muster an effective response. Nutrient deficiencies, even marginal deficiencies, are one of the factors also shown to weaken the immune system
In this presentation Dr. Meschino cites the clinical studies showing that optimal intake of key nutritional constituents (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids) help optimize immune function as well as outlining practical nutrition and lifestyle strategies to decrease the effects of stress on the body, which can further weaken our immune system, and leave us vulnerable to infections of this type.
In this webinar, Dr. Meschino cites the research studies showing the importance of key nutrients and lifestyle behaviors in the prevention and complementary management of depression (including post-partum depression and bi-polar disorder), anxiety, and PTSD. He explains the mechanisms through which these strategies have been shown to effective as preventive and adjunctive treatment measures. During the pandemic it is prudent to use all means possible to keep your mental health and that of your family in check. There are various proactive lifestyle strategies that are shown to be of great significance in this regard. These strategies can help prevent a mental health-crises, and/or work synergistically with medical care to improve outcomes for many individuals who suffer from these conditions. According to the Canadian Mental Health and Addictions Federation, in any given year, 1 in 5 people in Canada will personally experience a mental health problem or illness
In this presentation Dr Meschino explains the internal changes to the body’s chemistry that occurs when we are dealing with chronic stress, whether mental, physical or emotional. He outlines how these internal changes zap our energy, choke our memory and concentration ability, weaken our immune system, trigger inflammatory diseases (arthritis, fibromyalgia etc.), headaches, stomach problems (including ulcers), sleep disturbances and other health challenges. Dr Meschino then highlights the scientific evidence showing how specific dietary practices, nutritional supplements and some novel natural practices and therapies can suppress the stress response of the body and help you recapture your feeling of wellbeing, energy, and zest for life, and help counter certain stress-induced health problems
The foods we consume and the supplements we ingest affect our state of wellness from the inside out and have been shown to significantly influence the rate at which we age, our risk of cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, dementia, and other degenerative diseases, as well as our feeling of vitality and appearance (i.e., underweight, overweight, skin complexion, luster of hair etc.).
In this webinar Dr. James Meschino cites key research studies that have provided important insight into the importance of key dietary and supplementation strategies shown to help us achieve more optimal wellness, anti-aging and disease prevention.
Research indicates that a minimum threshold of exercise is associated with longevity, reduced risk of heart disease, some cancers, osteoporosis, and provides other health benefits, such as weight reduction, stress reduction, and mood elevation. The problem is that although most people recognize the importance of exercise and wish they could get on track of stay on track, approximately 80% of adults do not get sufficient exercise to capitalize upon the benefits available from regular exercise. In this program Dr. James Meschino outlines how to overcome the obstacles that may be preventing you from attaining lifelong fitness, and the healthier, better contoured body that nature intended for you. The no nonsense, time-efficient, targeted exercise routine outlined in this discussion will enable you to achieve your goals with the least amount of time investment, such that busy, working people can succeed.
Over the past 30 years the body of evidence has shown that approximately 50% of breast cancer cases are attributable to faulty dietary and lifestyle practices (Willett W. 1996 – Journal of the National Cancer Institute), and another 25-30 % of risk is associated with not having a full-term pregnancy (and breast feeding) before age 30. Consequently, only about 20-25% of all breast cancer cases are strongly linked to bad genes. Yet, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in Canadian women.
In this seminar Dr Meschino spells out the 12 most vital, scientifically based, lifestyle practices that all women should consider, as part of a proactive wellness regime to protect themselves. This presentation explains the exact mechanism of action through which faulty dietary and lifestyle patterns have been shown to encourage the development of breast cancer. It also outlines how specific foods, supplements and lifestyle patterns have been shown to prevent normal breast cells from becoming transformed into malignant cells
We all know that early detection for cancer is an important part of catching cancer at an earlier, more treatable stage, but the question remains, how do we prevent it from developing in the first place? Dr Meschino will outline what the latest evidence suggests about this important subject.
In this presentation Dr. Meschino, co-author of “Break The Weight Loss Barrier” (Prentice-Hall), “The Winning Weigh” and author of “The Meschino Optimal Living Program” (Wiley Publishing), explains how he has helped hundreds of patients lose weight by using the three surefire metabolic principles that turn your body into a fat-burning machine. These three metabolic principles ensure that overweight individuals will:
- Shrink their fat mass
- Feed their lean mass
3 Starve their body Fat
The net result is a thinner, fitter, healthier, and often happier individual, who can reclaim the body nature intended them to have.
This clinically proven program enables individuals to lose weight without the grueling and tedious practice of DIETING, COUNTING CALORIES and giving up CARBS.
Don’t miss this opportunity to finally discover how to achieve lasting weight loss results – the easy way
Empower Your Business Strengthen Your Staff Sign Up Now
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James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author and researcher, having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a master’s degree in science with specialities in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness and wellness. He is the author of four nutrition/wellness/anti-aging books, including The Meschino Optimal Living Program – 7 steps to a healthy, fit, age-resistant body. He is also the founder of the Global Integrative Medicine Academy and an associate professor at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, where he has taught in the nutrition and biochemistry program since 1984. He completed a Doctor of Naturopathy program in 2007 and has been a faculty member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in their Integrative Cancer Fellowship Program. He has also been a faculty member of the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr Meschino has appeared as a guest on numerous highly acclaimed radio and television shows, hosted his own talk radio show on 640 AM (Healthy Maturity – Toronto), and his 90-minute TV special “Healthy Aging Naturally” aired twice on Detroit PBS TV in 2011.
Dr. Meschino was recruited to be the Nutritional Medicine Consultant for Dr. Deepak Chopra’s (MD) Beyond Performance Sports program and more recently his organization’s Way of Wellbeing (WOW) Program that kicked off July 2019.

Wealth & Wellbeing
Omniscient Wellness Centre integrates wealth and wellbeing into your organisation and into the lives of your employees and customers to enable all stakeholders to thrive in a new post-pandemic environment. Our offering includes tools and strategies through a digital platform or in person at one of our locations.
Prosperity, Health & Wellness Into Your Business
Areas of Engagement
Operational challenges. Employee engagement. Client retention. Client outreach. Nutrition and workplace wellness.
Our Goal
Help organizations, business owners, operators prosper and create a truly healthy organization, from top to bottom-line!
Our Platform Applications
Compliance, onboarding, and training, information dissemination, and life-long learning.
Our Platform Features
Internal messaging, tracking capabilities, tools and know-how, and on-going interactive and educational engagement.
Contact Us for Health & Wellbeing Options
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Dr. Meschino was a regularly lecturer at the Regency Health Spa in Hallandale Florida and has developed and implemented corporate wellness programs for St Joseph’s Printing (Vaughan, On), Telematix Software (Ft Lauderdale, Fla), Columbus Centre (Toronto, On), Regency Health Resort (Hallandale Fla), Canada Trust (Southwestern Region) and Loblaw stores. Dr Meschino continues to teach live, on-site, employee wellness seminars, as well as Webinar programs, for many of North America’s largest employers. In recent years the list of live, on-site seminars has included RIM Canada, Petro-Canada, Ontario and Lottery Gaming Corporation, ADP –Payroll, Fraser, Milner, Cargrain LLP, Unilever, Amgen, Borden Ladner, Gervais LLP, Motorola, BDO Dunwoody LLP, CIBC-Mellon, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Blue Mountain Resort, Eckler Ltd, Bayer Canada, The International Federation of Employee Benefit Plans (2015 and 2016 AGM), as well the Human Resource Professionals Association AGM (Toronto 2015) and the HR Management Institute (Montreal 2016), Smart Employee Benefits (2018). Other recent wellness corporate clients include Smart Employee Benefits (2021) Veoneer (Autotech Company- 2021), and KPMG (Toronto – 2021).
Dr. Meschino is also the creator of the Meschino Employee Wellness Program – a digital wellness coaching program containing proven components to improve the health and wellness behaviour of employees and their families, as well as insurance policy holders, and individuals with pharmacy benefit management providers through their employer. Dr. Meschino currently sees Nutritional Medicine patients referred to him by rheumatologists, chronic pain specialists, and family doctors, at his office in Mississauga, Ontario.