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Winter 2022 Newsletter
Read about the importance of doing a post holidays detox, and learn about the 3 essential supplements for your skin during the winter in this newsletter.

Combating Stress: The importance of nutrition and other natural methods to recapture your health and wellbeing
August 9, 2022 In this presentation Dr Meschino explains the internal changes to the body’s chemistry that occurs when we are dealing with chronic stress, whether mental, physical or emotional. He outlines how these

Conquering Weight Loss – the easy way
August 9, 2022 In this presentation Dr. Meschino, co-author of “Break The Weight Loss Barrier” (Prentice-Hall), “The Winning Weigh” and author of “The Meschino Optimal Living Program” (Wiley Publishing), explains

Stress, Nutrition, and Immunity: How to optimize your immune health to help reduce vulnerability to respiratory tract infections
August 8, 2022 Studies show that influenza and other viral and bacterial infections that affect the respiratory tract are more lethal in those whose immune systems are compromised. Conversely, a